Bodybuilding, Diet, Eating, Exercise, Fitness, Gain Muscle, Gain Weight, Health, Humor, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Psychology, Self Help, Self Improvement, Sports, Supplements, Weight Loss

Determine your personality type and why you behave the way you do

This article discusses different personality types and why you behave the way you do. A good read for people who want to set goals and live a happy life, as well as learn to communicate with others.

Bodybuilding, Diet, Eating, Exercise, Fitness, Gain Muscle, Gain Weight, Health, Humor, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Self Help, Self Improvement, Sports, Supplements, Uncategorized, Weight Loss

The ultimate guide to gaining weight has come out

If you are skinny, underweight or just want to get some tips on how to gain weight, then you should read the post below. It has all the basic principles on nutrition, training and lifestyle to get you started and help you gain weight!

How to gain weight

Bodybuilding, Diet, Eating, Exercise, Fitness, Gain Muscle, Gain Weight, Health, Humor, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Self Help, Self Improvement, Sports, Supplements, Uncategorized, Weight Loss

Learn how to set goals (and also accomplishing them)

If you want to achieve anything, you first need to learn how to set goals.

So how do you set goals? Once you have a goal, what should you do in order to accomplish it?

The article below discusses the setting of goals and how to accomplish them:

How to set goals and actually accomplish them

Bodybuilding, Diet, Eating, Exercise, Fitness, Gain Muscle, Gain Weight, Health, Humor, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Sports, Uncategorized, Weight Loss

Walrus doing crunches

A hilarious video of a walrus doing crunches. Might inspire you to start exercising!

Click on the link below to view the video. After watching the video you should stay on the site a bit longer and read some fitness and nutrition related information in order to know how to proceed in living a healthy lifestyle! 🙂
Enjoy! and don’t forget to start your own fitness routine

Bodybuilding, Diet, Eating, Exercise, Fitness, Gain Muscle, Gain Weight, Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Sports, Uncategorized, Weight Loss

The Imbalance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 in our diets and its dangers

Did you know that your diet probably suffers from an imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which has negative effects on your health?

Read the entire article here:
